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FAES Educational Webinar: Leveraging Emotional Intelligence for Effective Leadership

January 26, 2023


online, please register with Zoom

Join Us for a Free Educational Webinar: Leveraging Emotional Intellignece for effective Leadership? presented by FAES Faculty Member Dr. Sharif Kronemer.

January 26, 2023 | 12:00pm EST

Sylvia Long, PhD, Program Director, NCI Center to Reduce Cancer Health Disparities 

Dr. Long will discuss leveraging emotional intelligence - with an emphasis on empathy. Emotional Intelligence (EI) is a skill that enables one to relate to self and others. Understanding the domains of emotional intelligence is essential for effective leadership. By identifying and managing moods, impulses, and behaviors, EI adeptness can positively or adversely impact personal and professional relationships, environments, and productivity. 

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