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FAES Launches New 'Bioinformatics Curiosity' Digital Badge

The Foundation for Advanced Education in the Sciences @ NIH (FAES) is pleased to announce the launch of our NEW 6-credit Bioinformatics Curiosity digital badge.


Students who complete the following requirements can receive the Bioinformatics Curiosity digital badge to display on their CV and LinkedIn and other social media:

  • 6 credits of bioinformatics (BIOF) study completed in FAES courses and workshops;
  • Up to 2 workshops can count for up to 4 credits of the digital badge (2 credits substituted for each workshop);
  • Students must earn a passing grade in any of the courses that will be counted toward the digital badge (i.e., either a letter grade of C or above or a “pass” if the course is pass/fail must be earned; audited courses cannot be counted toward the digital badge);
  • Courses and workshops completed since January 2021 can be counted toward the digital badge.

Upcoming Summer 2021 courses that may count toward the Bioinformatics Curiosity digital badge (registration opens on April 19, 2021; courses begin on June 14, 2021):

Upcoming workshops that may count toward the Bioinformatics Curiosity digital badge (registration is open now!):